We respect your privacy and will use the information you provide only as necessary to service your request. See Privacy Policy for more information.

Software Inquiries: Tell us about your current systems, business requirements, and goals and we will provide a project roadmap to meet your needs.
Job Inquiries: Please summarize your job interest(s) and upload your resume. All information you provide will be held in strict confidence.
Support Inquiries: If you are a LINK System Administrator (Brand Manager) in need of assistance, please make sure you are logged into this web site and submit a ticket through the Help Desk.

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Customer Support (LINK Services End Users)

Registration on this site does not provide access to LINK Services. 在此网站上注册并不提供对LINK Services的访问。 इस साइट पर पंजीकरण LINK Services तक पहुंच प्रदान नहीं करता है।. Đăng ký trên trang này không cung cấp quyền truy cập vào LINK Services. . End users (factory users, laboratory users) should contact their brand's System Administrator for registration assistance or technical support.

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