Technology Stack and Resources

We have development resources skilled in every modern programming language and technology stack, for both web and mobile applications. LINK Services is built around React and Java, but its modules (microservices) always use the technology stack best suited to the task. Fundamental to a cloud native application like LINK is that it must be 100% language-agnostic, future-proofing the system from early obsolescence and allowing developers to build front-end extensions and API connectors in the programming language of their choice.



We use a fully automated CI/CD pipeline for continuous integration/continuous deployment into OpenShift, a state-of-the-art containerized and orchestrated environment. This enterprise-grade development platform enables concurrent DevOps, making the software lifecycle three times faster and radically improving time-to-market. Tasks like creating deployment scripts, building and pushing Docker images, redeploying services, managing conflicts in merged code branches, regression testing — are all fully automated in our Agile-based software collaboration environment.



Architecture and Deployment Options

LINK Services is a cloud native application, which means it is built on a container-based architecture — services packaged in lightweight, independent containers (in this case, Docker containers). Email notifications, for example, are handled by a containerized microservice deployed on elastic infrastructure that can expand and collapse based on spikes in demand. This scale-out/scale-in capability allows the computing infrastructure to be optimized. Most legacy applications, on the other hand, are architected as one monolithic system around the one or two parts with the highest concurrent usage.

LINK uses a collection of microservices that can be modified over time without affecting the rest of the application, and can be distributed across different types of clouds (private, public, hybrid) as needed. The file management microservice (file uploads/downloads) can leverage the AWS public cloud infrastructure to provide global scalability and performance, especially important for large files that may otherwise need to traverse the Atlantic Ocean from suppliers in Southeast Asia.




CI/CD Pipeline for 3X Development Velocity




LINK Services Connectors to Enterprise Applications