According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, clothing sales roughly doubled from 2000-2015, while utilization (number of times a garment is worn before it's no longer used) declined almost 20%. The trend mirrors global growth in the middle class and disposable income. Consumption of non-renewable resources used in producing textiles is expected to triple from 2015-2050, while the textile industry's share of the world's carbon budget is expected to increase from 2% to 26% over that span. Leading brands in the textile, footwear, and apparel industries are taking steps to use more sustainable materials and improve supply chain transparency — holding suppliers accountable for meeting higher standards in reducing the use of water and hazardous chemicals in production. We're here to support them in this commitment to change. Our mission is to provide the data and tools needed by our clients to make smarter decisions about the suppliers and materials they use, and in that small way, we can make a difference.


Green Arrow Labs is a software and data analytics firm that helps major brands and their supply chain partners make smarter decisions about factory and product sustainability, safety, and performance. Our top ten clients are global retailers with revenues of US$1 billion or more, many of which are members of AFIRM, AAFA, SAC and ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals). ZDHC is an industry group committed to widespread implementation of sustainable chemistry and best practices in the textile and footwear industries to protect consumers, workers and the environment. These brands and thousands of suppliers involved in textile production, garment dyeing, clothing laundering, leather finishing, and many other processes along the clothing manufacturer supply chain use our suite of cloud native Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions for managing restricted substance list (RSL), certificates of conformity, and physical/performance data.


End-to-End Supply Chain Transparency and Precision Sourcing with Link Services


We help solve the "transparency problem" in the supply chain, providing brands, retailers, and manufacturers with deeper insights into the source, quality and content of the materials they choose for their products. Without transparency, it is nearly impossible for a brand to know where all the raw materials come from and what they contain, which may only come to light after the finished product is laboratory tested. Our precision sourcing software helps supply chain partners make smarter, earlier decisions in the design and manufacturing processes, long before product is to be shipped and distributed to the consumer. Fundamentally, we reduce dependence on spreadsheets and paper documents, centralizing laboratory testing and specifications data for real-time access and decision-making. This eliminates the manual transfers of data and emailing of reports and certificates between quality, R&D, and sustainability teams. We move further up the value chain by providing advanced integration with ERP (SAP), product life cycle management (PLM), laboratory information management systems (LIMS), and other enterprise systems. And we provide dashboards and analytics for users to model the impact of changes in suppliers, materials, and styles, and alert them to critical lab test failures. For over a decade, we have helped many of the world's largest brands roll out restricted substance list (RSL), water sustainability, and product quality/integrity programs from the ground up.